Holistic anti-aging technique using quantum technology and Japanese acupuncture philosophy. This beauty treatment stimulates the organic recovery potential of skin through the use of static magnetic fields in combinations with controlled magnetic gradients.
During one treatment, many processes are happening. The domino effect of repair as energy invigorates, resuscitates and brings to life the powerhouse of your skin.
No down time, no bruising or trauma, pure health!
We use this to diffuse redness, calm inflammation, add volume, contour the face, lift the cheeks, and brow back into place.
Supports sluggish lymphatics, and to bring nutrient density back into skin.
Suggested Enhancements
deep cleaning with steam and extractions
I recently had the privilege of experiencing an incredible Qi Beauty Facial Treatment. Stephanie is skilled and took the time to thoroughly explain the process to me. Carefully placed magnets work in harmony with the body's own energy to stimulate collagen production, promote circulation, and enhance overall skin vitality. Im glowing and will definitely be back!